122 “Computer sciences”
Specialists in computer sciences (CS) are engaged in data and information gathering, storing and processing with different information technologies and facilities including software development. Thus, CS students are familiar with various operating systems, and they understand the special features of a program code and everything it conceals.
The students may try their hand at big data filed, data science, system and software design, web design, algorithm writing or data structures creation.
Briefly speaking, «computer scientists» know how the modern digital world, machine codes, and all the latest technologies operate.
The training is provided by the Computer Sciences Department.
What will I study?
Main academic disciplines for specific purposes:
- Software architecture and design (SE311)
- Databases (CS270T)
- Software safety
- Web technologies
- Data Mining
- Information technologies of mass service systems study
- Computer networks
- Computer systems of text, graphic, and multimedia information processing
- Cross-platform programming
- Methods and systems of artificial intelligence
- System Simulation
- Signals and images processing
- Operating systems
- Fundamentals of the Internet of things
- System analysis
- Computer-information systems hardware
- Technologies of distributive systems and parallel calculations
Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:
- Databases design and development
- Mobile, web- and desktop applications and programs development
- Marketing support of business, work with social networks, sites
- Project team management, work plans development, project support
- Image, video material, and sound processing in specialized programs
- Understand and be able to use mathematical and software tools to develop projects
Where can I be employed?
Main possible positions after graduation:
- Database administrator
- Data administrator
- System administrator
- Computer software engineer
- Engineer-programmer
- Programmer (database)
- Software analyst
- Applied programmer
- Engineer on computer systems
- Research engineer
- Expert in information technologies
- Expert in software development and testing
- Expert in computer programs development
- Expert in computer graphics (design)
Fields where a graduate can work in:
- Outstaffing
- Outsourcing
- Services and product ІТ-companies
- ІТ-departments of state, commercial and private companies, and enterprises
- ІТ-departments of transport companies, banks, governmental authorities, taxation inspection
- Computer centers and laboratories of scientific-research institutes and educational establishments
- Departments of information-analytical support
Перелік сертифікатів ЗНО та вступних випробувань для вступу на освітню програму "комп'ютерна інженерія"
за державним замовленням:
Українська мова
Фізика або Іноземна мова або Історія України або Хімія або Біологія або Географія
Середній бал атестату