The aim of the International Relations Department work isorganizational, technical and informational-methodical support of international activity of the University, development of cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments (HEE), scientific and educational establishments, institutions and funds to provide integration of TNTU to European and global scientific-educational area.

Main objectives

  1. Organization, coordination, and providing activities in the field of international cooperation of TNTU aimed at the development of relations with foreign partners based on international agreements in the field of education, science, and culture.
  2. Information support and organization of programs of international academic mobility: scientific and academic exchange, practice, internship, and long-term study of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  3. Developing and making new educational and scientific connections with foreign educational establishments, organizations, associations, and enterprises.
  4. Involving the university, its structural subdivisions, scientific-teaching staff, and students in the participation in international scientific and educational grant programs and projects.
  5. Preparation and organization of foreign delegations reception, representatives of Embassies and international institutions, and representatives of higher educational establishments interested in cooperation with TNTU.


  • Mocharskyi Vitalii — head of the Department
  • Vyzhykovska Natalya — leading expert
  • Zubkova Viktoriia — leading expert
  • Potsiluyko Oksana — leading expert


Address: Ternopil, Ruska Str., 56, office 30
Phone number: (0352) 51-97-29