- speciality
- 122 “Computer sciences”
- 163 “Biomedical engineering”
- 131 “Mechanical engineering”
- 073 “Management”
- 181 “Food industry technologies”
- 125 “Cyber Security”
- 141 “Electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics”
- 241 “Hotel, Restaurant and Catering”
- 121 “Software engineering”
- 123 Computer Engineering
- (No Title)
- About TNTU
- Admission
- Study
- Science
- International Cooperation
- Information for people with special educational needs
- International Cooperation Office (ICO)
- Partnerships
- International Projects
- Academic Projects
- Stepping–up Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Intercultural Competences for High Quality Teaching in Ukraine
- Equal opportunities for young mother-students in getting profession in higher educational establishment
- Inter-university start-up centers for the development and support of student innovations
- Development of a network infrastructure for youth innovation entrepreneurship support on fablab platforms
- Brand image of the University: strategy of positioning TNTU in the international educational services market
- Research Projects
- Academic Projects
- Academic Mobility Programmes
- Double Degree Programs
- Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Cooperation
- International Internships
- Internship program at the company “Ustronianka” (Biala, Poland)
- Program of internship APOLLO (Germany)
- Practice and internship program of the German Farmers’ Assosiation (Germany)
- Practice and internship program in Lithuanian companies in the region of Tuarage (Lithuania)
- Program of internship in the company “T.B. Fruit” (Republic of Poland)
- International Education
- News & Events
- Alumni
- Contacts
- Sitemap
- Category: Events
- Advertisement for Erasmus+ academic mobility for students
- TNTU improves its position in Webometric ranking
- New Year and Christmas Greetings 2021!
- The recruitment for the double degree diploma program in Lublin University of Technology (Poland) is announced!
- We continue and expend cooperation with European IT company UNICORN
- The University is in the ranking among the most influential universities of the world
- The academic rating of the TOP-200 Ukrainian universities
- Federation Exchanges France Ukraine (FEFU) visited TNTU!
- V International Scientific and Technical Conference “The Status and Prospects of Food Science and Industry”
- TNTU has joined the World Wide Flash Mob of the Erasmus+ Programme #ErasmusDays 2019
- The University took the honorary 2nd place in the nomination “Best Higher Educational Establishment, which uses innovative methods in education” of All-Ukrainian Award “Innovation in Education”
- Cisco Academy at the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University celebrated its 20th anniversary!
- TNTU has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Croatian colleagues
- TNTU is extending cooperation with Slovak partners
- Representatives of Zhuji China -Ukraine International Technology Innovation Center have visited the University
- TNTU has improved its score in the updated ranking of Webometrics 2019
- Professor Petro Yasniy was re-elected as Rector of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
- Rector of the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden visited TNTU with working visit
- Attaché of the Embassy of France visited TNTU
- Professor Michael Cebulla has undertaken the teaching activity at TNTU, in the framework of academic mobility Erasmus+
- The delegation of TNTU had the meeting with Polish partners
- Participation of TNTU representatives in the 2nd International Credit Mobility Week at the University of Valencia (Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
- International scientific and technical cooperation became the occasion for the meeting of Ukrainian and Polish colleagues
- Congratulations to our TNTU student with Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Award!
- First Indo-European Centre in Ukraine as branch of the Indo-European Educational Foundation (Warsaw, Poland)
- TNTU hosted a working meeting in the framework of the European project FabLab
- International students visited IT-company
- TNTU develops the cooperation with Indo-European Education Foundation
- Participation of TNTU in the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme
- The delegation of the university visited the Polish partners
- Representatives of Company «AUTOCAM Poland Sp. Zoo» visited the University
- Participation of TNTU in the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University has celebrated 57th University Anniversary
- With Love to Ukraine and the University
- International scientific conference of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University drew together the scientists from Ukraine and Poland
- XX scientific conference of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
- The visit of the representatives of Libyan Company «Consultation and Development Group»
- Category: International Student Associations
- Category: News
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University strengthens its position in the international academic space.
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University ranks high in the international Webometrics ranking.
- Visit to Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
- International project of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University and Dartmouth College: tandem learning in studying the Ukrainian language through understanding the subjectivity of Ukraine
- TNTU will cooperate with educational association “Center of Ukrainian Researchers in Austria”
- TNTU scientists continue to develop ties within the framework of the KA171 mobility project with Gabrovo Technical University (Bulgaria)
- A meeting of participants of the Erasmus+ UA-Talent-UP project was held at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain).
- TNTU has been participating in the international project UA-Talent-UP
- For the first time Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University was included in the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 international ranking
- The university administration met with the delegation of the city of Taurage (Republic of Lithuania)
- A delegation from the Czech Republic visited TNTU
- TNTU Receives Important Humanitarian Aid from Hochschule Schmalkalden
- 1st International Scientific Conference "The Multidimensionality of Cybersecurity"
- 4th International Scientific Conference “Military Conflicts and Technogenic Disasters: Historical and Psychological Consequences”
- A round table with the participation of Lithuanian partners brought together representatives of business, technology and education at TNTU
- The Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Ternopil, Yaroslav Viznyak, visited TNTU
- Meeting with the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Detroit
- Ternopil I. Puluj National Technical University Enters Top 20 Universities in Ukraine
- Rector Mykola Mytnyk Holds Meeting with a Representative of the Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Lithuania
- Representatives of TNTU participated in an international week dedicated to diversity and inclusion
- Representatives of Šibenik Polytechnic (Croatia) visited Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU)
- EU Career Day brought together leading European and Ukrainian companies at the university
- TNTU delegation visited the State Vocational Higher Education Institution named after Prof. Edward F. Szczepanik in Suwalki, Poland
- TNTU is developing cooperation with Helen Khodkovska Technical and Trade University (UТН)
- A representative of the Hungary diplomatic mission visited TNTU
- The TNTU researchers have completed an internship at the Wroclaw University of Economics
- From an idea to a successful business project: new knowledge within the international project «Smart Manufacturing, Innovation, Learning-labs, and Entrepreneurship»
- International Day of Light
- TNTU lecturers participated in the Erasmus+ academic mobility program at the Petrosani University Romania)
- Summer School “Robotics and Neurorobotics” taking place at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology (Poland) on September 18-29, 2023.
- The results of research on military conflicts and technogenic disasters from the perspectives of politics, history, and psychology were presented at the scientific conference at TNTU.
- A series of trainings were held at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University as a part of the international project “Smart Manufacturing, Innovation, Learning-labs, and Entrepreneurship” (SMILE)
- Professor Mykhailo Petryk visited the Higher School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry in Paris ESPCI Paris Tech
- Happy Easten!
- TNTU students successfully started their study within the program of academic mobility ERASMUS+ at the University of Petrosani (Romania)
- TNTU is among the 25 top HEIs in Ukraine
- International Day of Happiness
- International Essay Contest for Young People
- Online classes resume on Monday 13 March 2023
- Happy Birthday, Taras Shevchenko!
- Cisco Academies Instructors have shared their experience at TNTU
- We will win💙💛
- The University of Toronto is offering the summer research program in computer science for students from Ukraine
- The World Day of Social Justice
- Academic weeks
- Online classes will resume on Monday 13 February 2023
- Meet one of our TNTU graduates Kashosi Aser
- Happy Birthday, Ivan Puluj!
- Some representatives of the company “Ustronianka” (Poland) visited TNTU.
- International Day of Education
- Ukrainian Unity Day
- Christmas carols (Kolyadky) in Ukraine
- Happy New Year!
- Marry Christmas!
- Online Ukrainian Evening
- Exams are almost here!
- Saturday Classes
- Theoretical Conference of young scientists and students "PHILOSOPHY TECHNOLOGY ASPECTS”
- Holodomor Remembrance Day
- Saturday classes
- Dignity and Freedom Day
- Saturday Classes
- Happy International Students Day!
- Saturday classes
- World science day for peace and development
- Ukrainian Writing and Language Day
- The XXII Radio Dictation of National Unity
- Saturday Classes
- Discover Ukrainian Culture
- The "Ukrainian Studies go global" conference
- Saturday classes
- Attention 2nd, 3rd, 5th year students!
- Happy Diwali!
- Saturday classes
- Cambridge East European History Workshop
- Saturday classes
- The history of Ukraine at Yale University
- Defenders of Ukrainian Day
- European Student Card
- Saturday classes
- World Teachers' Day 2022
- Welcome to Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University!
- Saturday Classes
- The free online courses for international students.
- Online classes will resume on Monday, 19 September 2022
- The call for student applications for the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship 2023 is now OPEN!
- TNTU ranks 19th in Ukraine
- TNTU ranks 22nd in Ukraine
- The second meeting within the framework of All-Ukrainian program "Twinning"
- Double diploma programs as additional competitive advantages in the labor market
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University is among the top 50 universities of Ukraine
- It’s official: Mykola Mytnyk has been appointed as the Rector of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University.
- U-Multirank 2022: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University is the 21st among more than 90 Ukrainian higher education institutions
- The third National International Education Council on recruitment of foreign citizens for study and promotion of Ukrainian higher education abroad in 2022 took place
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine) and Atlantic Technical University (Ireland) signed a Cooperation Agreement
- We are developing cooperation with the Baltic University Program (BUP), Sweden
- TNTU students will participate in the summer school of CNC equipment programming
- According to Scopus 2022, TNTU has improved its results in the ranking of Ukrainian universities
- To the Attention of International Students
- Ivan Puluj Digital Museum: a new acquaintance with the scientist
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- For the first time the university entered to the annual international ranking of higher education institutions QS EECA University Rankings-2022
- For the first time the university was included in the international ranking SCImago and took the high position among Ukrainian universities
- “Top-200 Ukraine”: Technical University has risen in the ranking of the best institutions of higher education
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University is among the top 15th universities in Ukraine
- Studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Schmalkalden (Germany)
- Advertisement for Erasmus+ academic mobility for students
- TNTU improves its position in Webometric ranking
- New Year and Christmas Greetings 2021!
- The recruitment for the double degree diploma program in Lublin University of Technology (Poland) is announced!
- We continue and expend cooperation with European IT company UNICORN
- The University is in the ranking among the most influential universities of the world
- The academic rating of the TOP-200 Ukrainian universities
- TNTU is highly rated in the world universities ranking of U-Multirank
- Covid-19 Information
- Celebrations on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the University were postponed due to Coronavirus
- Easter Greetings
- The rector of TNTU Petro Yasniy became an Honorary Professor of Polish HEI
- Federation Exchanges France Ukraine (FEFU) visited TNTU!
- V International Scientific and Technical Conference “The Status and Prospects of Food Science and Industry”
- TNTU has joined the World Wide Flash Mob of the Erasmus+ Programme #ErasmusDays 2019
- The University took the honorary 2nd place in the nomination “Best Higher Educational Establishment, which uses innovative methods in education” of All-Ukrainian Award “Innovation in Education”
- Cisco Academy at the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University celebrated its 20th anniversary!
- TNTU has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Croatian colleagues
- TNTU is extending cooperation with Slovak partners
- Representatives of Zhuji China -Ukraine International Technology Innovation Center have visited the University
- TNTU has improved its score in the updated ranking of Webometrics 2019
- Professor Petro Yasniy was re-elected as Rector of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University is included into the biggest university ranking U-Multirank
- Rector of the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden visited TNTU with working visit
- Attaché of the Embassy of France visited TNTU
- Professor Michael Cebulla has undertaken the teaching activity at TNTU, in the framework of academic mobility Erasmus+
- The delegation of TNTU had the meeting with Polish partners
- Participation of TNTU representatives in the 2nd International Credit Mobility Week at the University of Valencia (Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
- International scientific and technical cooperation became the occasion for the meeting of Ukrainian and Polish colleagues
- Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University became the first in Ukraine according to new worldwide Ranking Web of Universities
- First Indo-European Centre in Ukraine as branch of the Indo-European Educational Foundation (Warsaw, Poland)
- International Cooperation Office of TNTU takes active part in promotion and implementation of Euro mobility in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme
- Business meeting with entrepreneurs
- TNTU has got the access to the international electronic scientific database Scopus
- TNTU has received certificate of international standard ISO
- Ukrainian-Polish Education, Science and Innovation Days 2017
- «Normative and legal support for education of foreigners in Ukraine: situation, problems and prospects»
- Category: Сonferences