Since the beginning of its existence, mankind has been engaged in the development and improvement of equipment to relieve people from hard physical or routine work to increase labor efficiency, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, they have contributed to the increase of medicine quality as a system of knowledge and practical activity to maintain human healthy lifestyle, to make human life longer, to prevent and treat the diseases.

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING is based on the combination of modern achievements of science and engineering in different areas of medicine. Thus, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING is the symbiosis of classical medicine and the latest achievement of science and engineering.

Having been awarded the degree in  «BIOINFORMATICS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING», you may become not only a leading specialist in the field of ІТ, Web-technologies, information protection, and development of special mobile software for the urgent needs of medicine, but an expert in the field of electronics, biomechatronics, 3-D design and 3-D print in the field of rehabilitation medicine to solve the applied problems of the bioprosthesis, artificial organs and implants as well.

The prosthesis is not the only direction of rehabilitation component of the new specialization. Different directions of rehabilitation are studied, namely implants, active artificial limbs, dentist prosthetic appliances, etc. combined with the 3D design technologies mastering (SolidWorks) and 3D print (3D printers are used in the educational process).

The field of bioinformatics, namely ІТ technologies in medicine involves databases of the patients, the patients’ records keeping and the automation of the whole process, automated analysis of medical data to predict the disease development, analysis of certain medical indices in real-time, computer networks design, Websites development, software development for mobile devices etc.. This direction of Biomedical engineering is especially important under Covid-19 conditions to have databases of the Covid-19 patients using Web-technologies etc.

The training is provided by the Biotechnical Systems Department.

What shall I study?

Main academic disciplines for specific purposes

  • Analogue Circuitry
  • Digital Circuitry
  • Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology
  • Medical Devices Design
  • Electronic Component Base
  • Engineering Graphics and CAD Systems
  • Engineering Support for Medical Technology
  • Computer Processing of Biomedical Signals and Data
  • Medical Images Computer Processing
  • Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Medical Equipment
  • Medical Devices, Complexes and Systems
  • Microprocessor Equipment
  • Biomedical Processes and Signal Modelling
  • Biophysics and Biomechanics Fundamentals
  • Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine
  • Fundamentals of CAD Systems
  • Fundamentals of Signals Theory
  • Rehabilitation Engineering
  • System Analysis and Decision Making in Medicine
  • Theory of Electric and Magnetic Circuits
  • Computer Architecture
  • Biomedical Sensors
  • Biomechatronics
  • Computer 3D Technologies in Rehabilitation Engineering
  • Computer Networks in Medicine
  • Medical Web Technologies
  • Fundamentals of Construction Medical Technique
  • Telemedicine Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate

  • provide engineer support, service, and other technical services under laboratory-analytical equipment operation conditions, medical diagnostic and therapeutic complexes and systems

  • be able to choose and recommend the required medical equipment and biomaterials for medical establishments to provide the main stages of the technological process of diagnostics, prophylaxis, and treatment

Where can I be employed

Main possible positions after graduation

  • service engineer of medical service
  • expert in information technologies (biology and medicine)
  • electronic engineer МRТ
  • engineer АСS
  • design engineer (electronics)
  • research engineer
  • head (director) of a factory laboratory
  • technical director
  • technician of equipment operation and repair,
  • expert in medical physics,
  • leading developer of medical devices
  • design engineer of medical equipment
  • head of a scientific research department

Fields where a graduate can work in:

  • enterprises of the medical industry
  • medical establishments
  • rehabilitation, sport and recreation complexes, laboratories, departments of the artificial support of human organs vital functions, intensive care, anesthesiology, and operation departments
  • diagnostic-treatment laboratories and departments of medical establishments using medical laboratory equipment, medical radiation equipment, and isotropic materials

3D tour of classrooms

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