Training specialists able to solve practical problems and complex specialized tasks in the field of organizations and their subdivision management. The specialty is aimed at the training of future managers to be engaged in managerial, organizational, commercial, analytical, and scientific research activity due to the use of modern methods and principles of management at enterprises and organizations of various types of activity.  

The training is provided by the Management and Administration Department  (Bachelor’s and Master’s programs “Management of organizations and administration”) and the  Innovation activity and Services Management Department  (Master’s program “Innovation activity management”)

What shall I study?

Main academic disciplines for specific purposes:

  • Production management
  • Economic forecasting
  • Enterprise activity planning
  • Administrative management
  • Communications management
  • Management of organizations
  • Operations management
  • International management
  • Management
  • Strategic analysis
  • Strategic management
  • Self-management
  • Information systems in management
  • Human resource management

Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:

  • Analysis of results of the organization’s activity and determining the prospects of its development;
  • Management of the organization and its subdivisions due to the implementation of functions, methods, and principles of management;
  • Planning and activity organization of an enterprise (subdivision) according to the specified strategic objectives;

Where can I be employed?

Main possible positions after graduation:

  • Head of a subdivision (branch, department)
  • Staff manager
  • HR director, recruiter (staffing)
  • Quality system manager
  • Business-consultant

Fields where a graduate can be employed in:

  • Enterprises of any organization-legal form (commercial, noncommercial, state), where the graduates are employed as managers or executives
  • Managerial apparatus services
  • Scientific-research organizations involved in managerial problems solving

3D tour of classrooms

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