131 “Mechanical engineering”
«Mechanical engineering» is one of the leading specialties in the field of Mechanical engineering. The promising development of Mechanical engineering is connected with the information technologies and computer systems introduction into production. The graduates of the specialty will acquire a number of competencies enabling them to carry out theoretical and calculational-experimental work with some elements of scientific research to solve problems of mechanical engineering, namely the problems of dynamics, strength, resistance, rational optimization, durability, resources, reliability and safety of machines, structures, buildings, plants, assemblies, equipment, devices, apparatuses and their components; use of information technologies, modern systems of computer mathematics, technologies of finite-element analysis, science-based computer technologies, software systems of computer design, automated design systems, software systems of engineer analysis and computer engineering; project management, marketing; job management of scientific, project, production subdivisions engaged in the development and design of new equipment and technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, defense-industrial complex, aircraft and rocket-technical field, shipbuilding, fuel-energy complex, metallurgy, civil engineering, agricultural-industrial complex, chemical technologies and others.
What shall I study?
Main academic disciplines for specific purposes:
- CAM and САЕ Systems of Machine Building Production
- Automated and Robotic Systems
- Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements
- Machine Parts and Foundations of Automated Designing
- Diagnostics and Quality Control in Machine Building Production
- Machine Maintenance and Service
- Liquids and Gases Mechanics, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuator
- Modeling of Systems and Processes in Applied Mechanics
- Special Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
- Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
- Technologies and Equipment of Machine Building Production
- Technological Methods of Workpiece Manufacturing for Machine Parts
Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:
- Development of design documentation
- Development of production process of parts and machines
- Calculation and design of units and assemblies
- Writing of integrated text, table, presentation, and graph documents;
- Work with databases and information resources for various purposes
- Parts and products design based on 3D modeling
- Automated design of technological processes
- Automated calculation due to mathematical modeling and methods of decision-making
Where can I be employed?
Main possible positions after graduation:
- Construction engineer
- Construction supervision engineer
- Preliminary-estimation engineer
Fields where a graduate can be employed in:
Enterprises in the field of construction, production-technical, operation service of construction enterprises, workshops, and bays involved in the construction process.
Перелік сертифікатів ЗНО та вступних випробувань для вступу на освітню програму "комп'ютерна інженерія"
за державним замовленням:
Українська мова
Фізика або Іноземна мова або Історія України або Хімія або Біологія або Географія
Середній бал атестату