Specialists in «Electrical power engineering, electrical engineering, and electromechanics» have skills in calculation, design, and operation of electrical engineering equipment.
The latest information technologies are used in the study process, and special attention is paid to the design of electricity supply systems and networks, electrical engineering equipment and machines, the means of renewable sources of energy, and energy-saving technologies introduction are studied.
The training is provided by the Electrical Engineering Department.

The training is provided by the Electrical Engineering Department.

What will I study?

Main academic disciplines for specific purposes:

  • Electrical systems and networks
  • Renewable sources of energy
  • Electric power supply
  • Modern electric drive
  • Electric energy consumers
  • High-voltage technique
  • Industrial electronics
  • Microprocessors
  • Energy measurement and accounting
  • Artificial intelligence in Electrical Engineering
  • Intelligent systems of energy objects control
  • Energy management
  • Modeling, calculation, and design of artificial illumination systems

Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:

  • Design and provide the efficient functioning of the elements of electrical
    energy, electrical engineering, electro-mechanical complexes and systems, assess the
    electrical energy systems operation and develop some measures to increase their
  • Provide the combination of traditional and alternative power engineering to
    increase the reliability and efficiency of power systems, their technical maintenance.

Where can I be employed?

Main possible positions after graduation:

  • Power engineer
  • Engineer in adjustment, technology improvement and operation of electric power stations and networks
  • Engineer in relay protection and relay ladder logic systems
  • Engineer of energy company lines service
  • Engineer of distributive networks service
  • Power dispatcher
  • Technician on bioenergy plants operation
  • Expert in non-traditional power sources
  • Professional in energy management

Fields where a graduate can work in:

  • Energy supply companies and electricity supply networks
  • Gas- and water supply companies
  • Companies of electric- and heat-engineering directions
  • Energy audit and consulting companies

3D tour of classrooms

Перелік сертифікатів ЗНО та вступних випробувань для вступу на освітню програму "комп'ютерна інженерія"

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