The objects of the graduates’ professional activity deal with the hotel and catering industry: hotel service and restaurant service. The aim of the study is to train socially mobile, competitive, highly qualified specialists to carry out service and production-technological activities of the hotel and restaurant business entities obtaining general and special competencies.

The training is provided by the Innovation Activity and Services Management Department.

What shall I study?

Main academic disciplines for specific purposes

  • Economy of service industry enterprises
  • Economic and property safety of business
  • Organization of hotel and restaurant business
  • Design of hotel and restaurant business objects
  • Designing of Hotel and Catering Business Entities
  • Hotel and restaurant business infrastructure
  • Cuisines of the world
  • International hotel industry
  • Logistic management in the industry
  • Staff management in the industry
  • Competitiveness management
  • Marketing communication management
  • Financial support of the activity

Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:

  • Solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the professional activity of hotel and restaurant business
  • Know, understand and be able to use in practice basic concepts of hotel and restaurant business theory, organization of customer service and activity of hotel and restaurant service market entities, as well as allied sciences
  • Organize the process of hotel and restaurant consumer service on the basis of the latest information, communication and service technologies and keeping to standards of quality and safety
  • Develop new services (products) using advanced production technologies and customer service
  • Understand economic processes and provide planning, management and control of hotel and restaurant business entities activity
  • Present their own projects and developments, give reasons for their proposals dealing with the business development

Where can I be employed?

Main possible positions after graduation:

  • Managers of production subdivisions in restaurants, hotels and other locations
  • Managers of small companies-hotels and facilities of restaurant business
  • Managers (directors) in trade, hotels and restaurants
  • Managers (directors) in hotels and other locations
  • Managers (directors) in restaurant facilities
  • Managers (directors) in restaurants
  • Professionals in the field of tourism, hotel, restaurant and sanatorium-resort business
  • Professionals in the field of sanatorium-resort business

Fields where a graduate can work in:

  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Health resorts
  • Tourist companies

3D tour of classrooms

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