Civil engineering is now the most profitable economic direction. The demand for highly-qualified civil engineers is much higher than the number of university graduates.

The sphere of professional activity of our graduates is the following:

  • construction of new residential, industrial, and civil buildings, renovation and reconstruction of the existing buildings;
  • development of architectural-planning projects;
  • calculation of strength and resistance of complex spacious structures;
  • use of computer-automated systems in the field of construction industry;
  • preliminary estimation development and technical-economic analysis of the business activity of building organizations;
  • scientific research in the field of construction;
  • teaching activity.

What shall I study?

Main academic disciplines for specific purposes:

  • Architecture of buildings and structures
  • Materials science in construction
  • Design of structures
  • Water Supply and Drainage
  • Reinforced concrete and masonry structures
  • Engineering geodesy
  • Engineering and computer graphics
  • Fundamentals of Design Automation in Civil Engineering
  • Bases and foundations
  • Fundamentals of Design and Project Documentation
  • Software for Engineering Design
  • Structural mechanics
  • Buildings and structures
  • Structure design
  • Economics and management in construction
  • Electrical engineering in construction
  • Engineering geology and fundamentals of soil mechanics
  • Inspection and Testing of Buildings and Structures
  • Construction management

Main problems which can be solved by a future graduate:

  • The acquiring of knowledge necessary for a construction engineer with the operational direction of activity to be able to work with the required project documents

Where can I work?

Main possible positions after graduation:

  • Construction engineer
  • Construction supervision engineer
  • Preliminary-estimation engineer

Fields where a graduate can be employed in:

  • Enterprises in the field of construction, production-technical, operation service of construction enterprises, workshops, and bays involved in the construction process.

3D tour of classrooms

Перелік сертифікатів ЗНО та вступних випробувань для вступу на освітню програму "комп'ютерна інженерія"

за державним замовленням:

Українська мова




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