Lectures and practical courses will cover aspects related to robotics, artificial intelligence, neurorobotics and robotic swarm systems. You will be able to take part in experiments to understand the need to use artificial intelligence robotic systems and their impact on the external environment. Selected topics presented in the summer school will cover controlling groups of mobile robots, position tracking of nonholonomic robots, or harvesting energy of mechanical structures.
The offer is aimed at master’s, bachelor’s, and engineering students, with priority given to robotics and neurorobotics students. Nevertheless, the summer school is intended for all students interested in new sciences at the borderline of artificial intelligence, robotics, robotic systems and neurorobotics.
Registration is already open and ends on July 31, 2023 (confirmation of being qualified will be sent until August 14, 2023). There are 15 scholarships available through DAAD Go East Summer School Program for selected candidates.
More information about participation cost, registration and scholarship, including registration form can be found here:
Detailed information about DAAD scholarship can be found here:
Key information:
Number of participants: 25
Number of DAAD scholarships: 15
Cost: 650 EUR
Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/iKvTdERrEK
Registration ends on July 31, 2023; qualification confirmations sent until August 14, 2023
Our website: https://wm.pb.edu.pl/en/summer-school-robotics-and-neurorobotics-faculty-of-mechanical-engineering-bialystok-university-of-technology/registration-and-payment/
Contact e-mail: wm.summerschool2023@pb.edu.pl
We are looking forward to exploring robotics and neurorobotics together!