Exams are almost here!
Exams are almost here, which means it’s time to revisit your old lecture notes and find out just how much you’ve learnt over the last few months.
It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed right now, especially if you’re juggling your exam prep with other responsibilities like part-time work and childcare.
👉 Here are some study tips to help you study smarter and not harder in the lead up to exams:
• Organise your study time. A revision timetable will help you make the most of your study time.
• Eat something before you study. Food will give your brain the energy it needs to concentrate for long periods of time. Fruit is a good choice – the sugar in fruit will keep you more awake than coffee.
• Drink plenty of water while you study. Not drinking enough water can make you lose concentration and make it harder for you to remember information.
• Choose places to study where you will not be disturbed. Noise and other distractions make it difficult to concentrate and can affect the amount of information you remember.
• Take regular breaks during study time. Taking a 20-minute break every two hours will give you time to remember what you have already learned and also help you concentrate for the next two hours.
• Take practice tests. There is no better way to prepare for a test than to take regular practice tests. Not only can you learn the language you need to pass the exam, but you can also get to know the style of exam questions and practise good exam techniques.
• Join a study group. Studying with friends and classmates can help motivate you to study more regularly.
• Work out when you study best. Some people work best in the mornings, others at night. Decide when you work at your best and try to study at those times.
• Keep it all in perspective. Finally, focus on achieving what will make you feel accomplished and satisfied.
🤞 Good luck! You’ve got this!