TNTU hosted a working meeting in the framework of the European project FabLab

On September 14 – 15, at the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU) a working meeting of the partner universities of the European programme Erasmus+ “Development of a Network and Infrastructure for Youth Innovation Entrepreneurship Support on FabLab Platforms” (the acronym “FabLab”) was held. The purpose of the meeting was the discussion of the results of the FabLab project implementation in TNTU. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 7 partner universities of the FabLab project from Great Britain, Spain, France and Ukraine.

Discussion of the project’s results was opened by the Rector of the University, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Petro Yasniy. He noted the importance of this project for the innovative development of the University, improvement the quality of specialist training and creating broad opportunities for students to learn advanced technologies. Petro Yasniy emphasized, “The study of modern technologies of 3D printing and 3D modeling actively contributes the establishment of interaction between the University and industrial enterprises, representatives of small and medium businesses.”

The Vice-Rector on international cooperation, the Head of the FabLab project working group at TNTU, professor Tetiana Vitenko presented to the participants the educational and scientific potential of the TNTU, the results of the international activities of the University, as well as the stages of the FabLab project in TNTU. The speaker noted that the main result of this project in TNTU was the opening of the innovative manufacturing laboratory that fully meets the criteria and requirements of the Fablab Laboratories. The results of the FabLab project at TNTU can be found on the website of the 3D technology center and on the site of the project

During the short time of the Fablab Laboratory, researchers of the University have already been able to develop 3D models of unique equipment and to produce working prototypes of details with complex geometry with help of 3D printing. Postgraduate student of the Department of Food Technologies Equipment Nazar Gorodyskyi and assistant of the department of automation of technological processes and industries, Ph.D. Roman Mykhailyshyn presented the information on the peculiarities of the application of 3D print for the project participants.

A pleasant surprise for the project participants was the meeting of students of the Ternopil Secondary School № 3 with the European project representative (Lyceum Charles and Andrian Dupui, Le Puy an Vele, France) by Pierre Carrolaggi. The students of this school had the opportunity to study at the French Lyceum from October 8 to 14, 2017 and got acquainted with the digital

 technologies of the Fablab laboratory of the Lyceum, as well as with the French culture and everyday life. The audience listened with interest to the impressions of senior students and the information of the school principal Mrs. Nadiya Budiy, teachers Mrs. Kateryna Sagaydak and Mrs. Galina Groda.

The same day, the guests of the meeting were demonstrated with equipment of the Fablab laboratory and held master classes for working with a laser machine and 3D printer. During the visit, the guests also visited study laboratories of electronics at Technical College of TNTU, the Department of Instruments and Control and Testing Systems of TNTU. During the meetings they got acquainted with the students’ projects of electronic prototyping.

The next day, the participants of the FabLab project conducted an analysis of the results of the development of training courses within the framework of the FabLab project “3D modeling and designing”, “Rapid prototyping and production”, “Theory of solving inventive tasks”, “Managing the Fablab projects”, “Distribution in the market “. The given training courses in the 2018/2019 academic year are tested by the university students and anyone interested can receive free training in obtaining certificates from European partners of the project. The signing in takes place by using the contacts at the website of the Center of 3D Technologies “Fablab”

At the end of the meeting, foreign and Ukrainian experts expressed satisfaction with the results of the implementation of the FabLab project at TNTU.

We offer you photo report from the working meeting of the FabLab project at TNTU.